A place for those who feel outcast or forgotten by the steampunk community or in life. Grab a chair, have a drink, and have a jolly good time with jolly good company. There are people in the world who suck and this is an escape.

The underground life isn't for all be we are out there.


My name is Alex ,the owner, and I'll be your bartender

Along with Ara, the other bartender


And Simon, the Demon King Monkey!

Welcome to the world of steampunk, and If you are new we will gladly help you with anything you need. And check us out for whiskey Wednesday's, where whiskey is free.



There is an underlying story and/or parts there of, that is followed from the Airship Alicia Grey and The Airship Battle Royale. It is not the main focus of the Gear, but It does happen from time to time. The events are scripted at first, but remember your input changes the script. 

This role-play bar, is a light hearted dose of fun. It has its serious moments but the Spirit of the Gear is about comradery, having some drinks, and experiencing everything and anything. The more veteran gear posters will help out the newer Gear Goers with any questions, or ideas.

The gear is designed to help develop your characters if you would like. Feel free to message T.R. Harrison, Arabella Porter, or myself, if you have any questions.







We have a skype room:

[Currently Under Renovation]

World's End(The underground of the RG)

DISCLAIMER: Chat is unfiltered and uncensored, join at your own risk and if you have an issue with it you do not have to participate. This is a back room off welcome. The rejected gear and all afiliated persons are not accountable for the skype chatroom.


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*comes bursting through the doors nearly sending them off their hinges and dives in one leap over the bar.Sticking his head up just long enough to say"I was NEVER here"

*stands , shooting him a weird look while not moving a muscle as water pours into a glass* ok....

*Lachlans voice coming at a whisper from behind the bar to Ara* I'm in the middle of what will apparently become an epic game of hide and seek with Rollie. She is starting to develop her "gifts " a bit later than most but she is getting all to good at tracking.

Well I'll be sure to keep you, *rests a boot on his head* hidden * she whispers and grins and pushes off of his head with her foot before taking a sip of water* 

*growling slightly* You are enjoying this far too much... *Suddenly a blur of something burst throught the still open doors and Rollie seems to materialize out of the whirlwind of motion as it stops in place. "Where is he ? I tracked him here ?" Why cant I smell him?"

Well, I have a sort of wolfy scent myself. *she jokes and leans on the bar* Need a drink, love?

Rollie seems confused but then eyes Ara and shifts her eyes to the bar .....So I guess I DID make a mistake. She motions to Ara pointing to the bar. I guess I should be going now. Tell Brie I said "Hello"

Alright, I will. *She smiles and kicks Lachlan's arm with her foot, waving as Rollie begins to leave*

A whirlwind seems to surround Rollie and suddenly she is behind the bar thumping Lachlan on the nose..... "Tag! your it" and just as suddenly in a whirlwind of motion she is out the door any loose light bits of anything sucked into the swirling wake she leaves behind as she leaves. Lachlan turns to look at Ara...."Who would have thought a fairy werewolf crossbreed would have powers like this?" He stands up and tries to retain what little dignity he can muster. "Well, I guess I should be  off now..bloody little runt is actually getting quite good at masking her scent."

Oh come now, Lachlan. *She pouts* You just got here! Who else am I going to make fun of?

I suppose I should give her a bit of a head start..*reaches for his private stock bottle behind the bar * So wha shall we toast to hmmm?

Oh I don't know.....to successful trainees and hidden wolves. *she smirks, taking out two glasses*


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