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FRS Dragonfly

Welcome Aboard the FRS Dragonfly, the pirate ship which only raids the bad guys! We specialize in shenanigans and wondering where the rum has gone! We welcome all who enjoy some light hearted fun, jokes, and of course the aforementioned shenanigans!

Members: 12
Latest Activity: Aug 10, 2016

Discussion Forum

Onwards, with the new crew!!!

Started by Lady Brielle Serra. Last reply by Lady Brielle Serra Jan 16, 2015. 1 Reply

Henceforth, this shall be the discussion thread for the F.R.S Dragonfly roleplay! I realized this order to read the roleplay as it stands, in the main portion of the group, one must read…Continue

FRS Dragonfly 2.0

Started by CPT Edward Leviticus H.. Last reply by Lady Brielle Serra Jan 13, 2015. 4 Replies

Alas crewmembers of the Dragonfly, the ship has been in the mire for a little more than a year. Our Captain has been declared MIA and has taken the rum with him, and mostly likely ladies that are of…Continue

Comment Wall


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Comment by Lady Brielle Serra on August 13, 2013 at 4:54pm

*Flounces out of her Cabin looking rather excited* Look what climbed into my pocket on the last raid, everyone! *she places her hand into her pocket and pulls out a three inch man who stands tall on the palm of her hand* This is Marvel. He climbed into my pocket on the last raid because the people on that ship were into some rather nasty business. I am going to keep him, he makes a rather smashing pet, don't you think?

Comment by Lady Brielle Serra on August 7, 2013 at 10:13am

Oh Sir Eddie, how you make me laugh! What a wondrous tale you spin!! I do see that you accepted his help for the new arm....I hope you did not eat the arsenic laced frogurt. Do tell, what does this curse upon your new appendage entails?

Comment by CPT Edward Leviticus H. on August 7, 2013 at 12:53am
Nor I, but no kidding there I was... in an antique Eastern Emporium looking for suitable part for building a replacement arm. An old mystic inspected my amputated appendage and said," I can help you grow a new arm, with herbal extract magic. That's good! The herbs are cursed! That's bad. But you get a free frozen yogurt which I call frogurt. That's good! The frogurt is also cursed. That's bad. But you get your choice of toppings. That's good! The toppings contain arsenic.... that's bad. Just give me a new arm please.
Comment by Lady Brielle Serra on August 6, 2013 at 6:51pm
*sipping some rum* Hello Sir Eddie! Glad to see you back around these parts. A new arm? Quite intriguing, I must say *inspects the arm* My goodness I just cannot believe it!!!
Comment by CPT Edward Leviticus H. on August 6, 2013 at 5:14pm

Huzzah! Over the course of a month, the Tibetan clerics have worked their Eastern mystic hoodoo and I have grown a new arm! Don't ask me how it is possible... but I am quite ready for a new adventure.

Comment by Lady Brielle Serra on July 3, 2013 at 12:03pm

Sir Eddie!!! Great to see you! Please do come aboard, we are collecting everyone from their journey over from the empire before setting sail!

Comment by CPT Edward Leviticus H. on July 3, 2013 at 2:01am
When do you set sail next? I ask permission to come abroad.
Comment by Lady Brielle Serra on July 3, 2013 at 1:27am

From the secret stash! Here, have some! but don't tell the others! shhhh!

Comment by Commodore Nathan Shepard on July 3, 2013 at 1:05am

Where'd you git t rum m dear

Comment by Lady Brielle Serra on June 30, 2013 at 5:07pm

*wanders about the ship* What a lovely quiet afternoon! No one is injured, no one is drunk...*watches clouds passing and sips on some rum*


Members (12)


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