An adventure set in the early 1900's, the Terra Obscura Chronicles follows Charles Fort, the world's first true supernatural investigator, as he hunts for proof of what science refuses to accept… the existence of the paranormal. With a small group of allies and support, Fort travels this breathtaking world, at the pinnacle of the Gilded Age investigating, what are now, classic paranormal cases, in their amazing steampunk airship.

As Fort explores the realm of the unexplainable, he discovers a vast ancient conspiracy spanning the globe that has humanity in its grasp and if he can’t stop, could lead the whole world to war.

In Casebook One, Fort explores subterranean New York looking for the source of various reports of violent attacks during the construction of NYC's iconic subway system. What he finds in the dark, no one wants to ever see the light. Between the city’s political elite and powerful forces unseen, Charles Fort will test his limits to prove what he knows to be true.

TERRA OBSCURA refers to “the hidden world” that Fort won’t rest until it is revealed!

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