As we approached the port in Rejeka, cruising in over the Adriatic Sea the scene should have been tranquil, the fishing boats out on the water, the commerce vessels all packed to the gills with useless trinkets that folks don't yet know they can't live with out. It was both chaotic and serene looking down on them.  "Sir" my pilot spoke up " We are being signaled by light tower to approach the Eastern docking frame. They signal strong cross breeze so it might get bumpy."

    "Very well,signalman shine back confirm " It was a courtesy really, military ships didn't have to obey such civil niceties usually. As we entered the approach path for the Eastern docking assembly the crosscurrents they signaled us about began to push us out of pattern and made docking a tense but finally achievable process. This new ship and its ability to navigate against even the coastal winds was very impressive. After we secured ourselves to the docking platform we, that is Rollie and myself found ourselves walking the metal boarding grating to the main assemblage of iron and steel framework that was the massive docking assembly.

     "Welcome to Rejeka Aerodrome" a polite but small voice came at us from a small woman in a flowing gown of sea foam and blue patterns of swirls and circles adorned it . I can honestly say it was something I never remembered seeing before and for some reason a hood that covered her covered her face made this whole meeting that much more unsettling.

      "My good Captain, please prepare to make way as soon as my bags are on board"

     I was genuinely dumbfounded  "YOU...your..bags ..wait ..YOU called us here?"

     "My apologies my good Captain but I really must insist on filling you in on the details AFTER WE LAUNCH."

     " did you...and why ? ..and"  I was abruptly cut off as she quickly leaned into me grasped my waistcoat and pulled me down to face her and then proceeded to kiss me hard and rather more intimately than I would have liked.

     Rollie not knowing exactly what to do grasped her by the shoulder and pulled her off me. "Captain ?" Rollie snickered trying not to burst out in laughter.."Who ever she is,I like her."

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