I cursed my luck as I walked to the main stairway to get to the bridge level. "A Dark summoner, just what I need right now.." As I conversed with myself I failed to notice I had already made my way to the bridge. I was brought back to my senses by the shrill voice of one of the remaining Hungarian crew, a youngish man who still sounded like he should be hiding behind a nannys skirts. "Sir, we have resumed our previous assigned course and should be back to our assigned route within a few days. 

  I hated the sound of that..."assigned routes" I never felt so regular navy in my life. I had to figure out exactly what was going on and how to get out of whatever it was I stepped into. As I sat in my command chair a voice came in over a speaking tube, it was our ships medic an Asian woman who I met years ago in Singapore " Captain, please come to the Sick bay at once. " Since Xiao Min NEVER called me for anything, I decided to head to sick bay. "Captain, your watch just began? you're leaving the Bridge for a woman?" This combination question and potential Death sentence was issued by my highest ranking Hungarian officer still aboard. I stopped dead still and turning only my head to him shot my best melt steel look,then after seeing the panic in his eyes I wanted to I spoke cold as ice and calm " When and if I leave MY bridge is up to me * Walking closer to him and continuing to speak "If at some point I feel it will be in my best interest to ask YOUR opinion ,"his facing growing paler as he realized his mistake more and more as each step brought me closer to him.I was now directly in his face and even if all I had were just human senses I could still smell the fear coming off him now. The bridge fell deathly silent .I threw my arm around his shoulder and said calmly as I flashed my best toothy smile "Walk with me" We proceeded to the glass doors opening onto the forward observation deck from the main bridge I even in a gesture of Chivalry opened the door for him. Speaking calmly to him as passed through the doorway, "Son, I'm NOT in your Navy, and I don't do things your way . I made sure to close the door behind him knowing full well that the entire bridge crew was watching through the main bridge windows onto the deck."Sir, Im sorry , its just..." I cut him off with a finger to my mouth "Now, son, I can call ya "son" right, cause  I really don't care who ya are, What would happen to you on a regular Navy ship for calling out a senior officer like that.?"

     "Sir, I could be put up for disciplinary action up to and including death by firing squad for gross disrespect of a superior.Once more I threw my arm over his shoulder and walked him with me to the railing I could feel him under my arm tense and shaking." So I would be within my rights as a Captain to have you shot ?" He was visibly shaken by the question and still , I will give him credit had the stones to answer. Sir, yes Sir."

     "Son, I'm not gonna shoot you, that's not how I work. " He seemed to relax a bit as we leaned on the rail watching the sea rippling far below us like a breeze blowing over a silk sheet, rhythmic waves rolling along. I leaned in to him and whispered into his ear "I don't believe in wasting ammo." In one swift move I hoisted him up and threw him over the rail watching him plummet into the sea far below his screaming acting almost like a sounding guage for me to tell how far he was falling I listened till I saw the tiny puff of white in the blue green below me.Ah well, one less idiot to deal with. I spun quickly, eyes flaring unholy angry fire  in time to catch all the bridge crew fastened to the windows like children on Christmas night looking for Father Christmas. I calmly opened the doors and walked back inside as if it was just another day. As I walked in I heard a few snickers from my own crew who knew full well I was famous for "rail justice" I then made the the announcement to all the Bridge crew. " I am going to sick bay to see what our medic needs from me ....any OTHER objections? " I looked to the regular Navy crew now all miraculously busy with duties As I strode through the hatchway to the main hall I thought to myself..."Maybe today won't be all bad after all"

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Comment by Captain Lachlan Bellraven on January 28, 2015 at 5:55pm

Why thank you, I thought it rather descriptive and dramatic.

Comment by Arabella Porter on January 28, 2015 at 12:15pm

"like a breeze blowing over a silk sheet, rhythmic waves rolling along."  I love that line.

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