Dr. Phyll’s Physics Phacility


Dr. Phyll’s Physics Phacility

Here will be discussed all things sciencie=mc2.  The experimental, theoretical, fringe, pseudo etc., in all it’s forms and branches.

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Latest Activity: Sep 13, 2014

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Comment by Gwyn on September 14, 2013 at 9:50am

Actual Steampunk Insect!

Yep, it has GEARS! For reals!

Now all it needs are goggles and a pith helmet! ;)

Comment by Gwyn on August 13, 2013 at 5:29pm

NEWS FLASH....ANYONE, well, anyone male, LIVING IN OR VISITING OR PLANS ON VISITING SWEDEN (or Amazon [not the online shop] or Papua New Guinea) PLEASE READ!!!! CERTAIN PARTS OF YOUR ANATOMY COULD BE IN DANGER!!!!  :| <very serious face.


Comment by CPT Edward Leviticus H. on August 6, 2013 at 5:08pm

What is the mind? Does it matter? What is matter? Oh... nevermind.

Comment by Gwyn on August 4, 2013 at 9:26pm

I don't think I know what you think I think I know, I think?

Comment by Gwyn on August 4, 2013 at 8:58pm

I think perhaps all living things are conscious, in some way/degree, of self, even plants and such.  They all house energy, which may be soul.  I dunno, I'm still trying to suss it all out, but probably never will.  Maybe there are things we are not ready to know or are never supposed to know.

Comment by Gwyn on August 1, 2013 at 5:58pm

and if machines become sentient and develop emotions, it would sort of make them us (only perhaps vastly more intelligent) BUT would they then also be vulnerable to the same 'feelings' (love/hate/envy/depression) as we and, if so, and they were in control of most all devices/technology etc., what then? Scary thought....

Comment by Gwyn on August 1, 2013 at 5:40pm

I was thinking further about this, IF our actual functioning consciousness can be downloaded (and not just memories and data), would that (our consciousness) therefore be our souls?

Would it be downloading our souls into a machine?

This could cause a huge amount of controversy on many different levels ethically, religiously, etc.

Comment by Gwyn on August 1, 2013 at 4:40pm

A very interesting short film-


(yes, that's Pee Wee Herman)

This article may be passé, but still interesting (IMO)-


Our brains are just sort of biological computers anyway which processes all we sense/experience and uses the information/knowledge to further us, while continuing to work quietly in the background as well, maintaining our physical form.

The article and film just opens up debates on what will be ethical if/when machines achieve consciousness (and if/or how it will affect our downloaded 'selves').

PlayStation 5 may just well be a holodeck or even better!!! :D
But, I dunno if I would want to carry on a conversation with my yohgurt and then eat it...

(I find this stuff exciting and stimulating as well as absolutely mind-boggling!)

Comment by Dr. Phyllis Pharaday PhD on July 12, 2013 at 7:27pm
Comment by Dr. Phyllis Pharaday PhD on July 12, 2013 at 6:54pm

Members (8)


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