Welcome to Steampunk Rules:
1.) Harassment of any form is not tolerated. We understand that people will have disagreements and debates, but talking down to, belittling, name calling(or the implication of), and threats are prohibited. If anyone has any problems, PLEASE take it to an administrator or moderator as listed on this page. Take the high road, do not stoop to a harassers level. If no one is on at the moment, send a message to the inbox of Alexander Baker or Brielle Serra, and use the block function until we can take care of the situation.
2.) If you are not a moderator, do not get involved in situations you are not directly involved in. Please go to a staff member, we are trained to handle these situations. Overstepping moderators or administrators can result in immediate reprisal.
Administration and Moderators will not abuse their power for any purpose. All judgments, punishments(except for those noted as temporary time outs as noted above), and changes to the site will be brought forth to all other administrators and moderators to be put forward to a vote.
The Administration of Welcome to Steampunk is devoted to making Steampunk a better experience for you. If there are any issues with any of the staff please first come directly to the staff member in question and if it cannot be resolved come to one of the other staff.
The staff of WTS respects the discretion of anonymous reporting, the ability to pass information without giving names or personal information is what is expected of our staff. All issues and disciplinary action remains confidential unless we need to divulge the minimum information in rare situations. As staff we will discuss it amongst other staff members, but only other staff members. We highly encourage that you come to any one of us with any issues with the site.
Rules affecting the moderators:
If issues are brought up concerning specific staff members, bring up the issue on a one to one setting, do not reveal the identity of person having the issue just address the behavior or issue at hand. Failure to do so can result in punishment.
Alexander Baker-Creator and Head-Administrator
Oswin McGuiness-Co-Administator
Arabella Porter Lachlan Bellraven Lady Brielle Serra
Public Relations:
Lady Brielle Serra Erzebet Sedwick
While not a rule, if you are having any issues with the site contact us, so they can be addressed and taken care of immiediately. If they are not brought up to us, they cannot be fixed.
Contact Us:
If you have any questions comments or concerns feel free to message any of the moderators or administrators.
I wish I could love comments.
I shall sign the said proceedings in the affirmative that I will not breech the forth mentioned agreements and be in complete accord otherwise I shall have my entrails chopped into soup and served to internet trolls.
Captain Edward Leviticus Hall,
current crew member of the Airship Black Rose
© 2025 Created by Alexander Baker.
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