and the hereafter...or thereafter....therewhereverafter....therewhereverforeverafter....therewhereverforawhileafter....
and stuff.

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It is not death itself that I fear, its the manner in which I die. It would really vex me to be taken out of this mortal sphere by a random accident. I would much rather be my death have some meaning, preferable heroic. I have no worries about the "great beyond" because I believe our spirits continue to exist. I for one , do not plan on hanging around haunting my poor family, I hope I will be reunited with my kindred ancestry, and be at peace.

That was a lovely, CPT Edward, and thank you for responding :)

I’d like to believe that our individual souls are the energy that keeps these organic machines functioning. That we are here, trapped inside, for a purpose. Haven’t totally figured that part out yet, maybe to attain perfection of the spirit? I dunno. Maybe we, well, everything, has individual energy signatures unique unto itself. Sentient energy and it leaves the ‘shell’ to be reborn in another (not necessarily another human, in fact, maybe not even another living thing, maybe something like a rock, as a lesson, and has to remain for a very long time mulling over things until it is dust and is finally released to start again), over and over again until it learns all that is necessary and can then merge with the all, if it so chooses. Perhaps have a choice, like to return if it wishes, to help guide others.
I dunno, just my thoughts. I’ve been thinking about this (and there are a lot of holes not filled in yet) it seems forever...and if I’m correct, maybe I have :)
It’s kinda like what I refer to as FoxMulderism- “I want to believe” ‘The truth is out there”.....”trust no one” <I’m learning to overcome the last :) 


What we refer to as 'death' is inevitable, as it is with most all things, even stars and galaxies.
In the past, before the advancements made in medicine and technology- the sciences, if you will- normal human life expectancy was much shorter. It was simply a fact of day to day life.
It was not viewed in quite the same way as it is today.
People today cringe at seeing photographs of the dead, lying peacefully in the eternal rest of a vessel no longer useful, (yet will slow down when they see an accident on the highway.)
Postmortem photography was more common place, for those who could afford it. Sometimes it may have been the only visual memento left, even if taken when the body was deceased.
I’ve always been interested in photography and it’s history in general. The ‘capturing of one’s soul’ :)
Anyway, rather than posting postmortem photographs here (for those who may find it disturbing), I will direct you to a site and a man who has a vast collection of historic photographs- daguerreotypes, ambrotypes, tintypes, carte de visite, cabinet cards etc.
His name is Dr. Stanley B. Burns.
I have several of his books.

There are some postmortem photographs here-

and this is just a great site overall for early visual media (which includes early photography including postmortem, as well as early film) if you are interested-

It is very difficult to separate my religious beliefs and understanding from my opinions. It does not however, keep me from understanding the thoughts and philosophies of others. I believe that the soul existed before birth into this world, and thus will exist after this life is over. I also believe that the soul is matter... has mass that is. This is why people in haunted houses hear foot steps, doors openings, "feel" that there is a presence in the room.

I learned last night reading about demonologists that paranormal activity is likely to happen at 3:00am.

If I were to be a torched soul, trapped between this world and the world beyond, I would not be bothering people at 3:00 am ...

Well maybe I would if I were a demon.

CPT Edward, I did not mean to offend, and if I have, please forgive me as it was not my intent. I sincerely felt what you said was beautiful.
I, too, have respect for other’s beliefs.
Because I have an interest in science, I try to merge it with religion (I was raised a Christian), instead of separating them.
As far as ghosts/angels/demons, I believe there is something. Whether it is a trapped spirit, and/or something from another dimension that under certain conditions we catch a glimpse of; a recording of an event replayed when again, the conditions are right; or if it is an alternative timeline (like a dimension, sort of) that slows just enough for us to see. Unknown worlds around and even occupying the same place/space as us, but just outside of our perception.

Heavens no was I offended. No, absolutely not. I was just professing where my thoughts cone from. I like this discussion and would line to talk more about it. I just don't want to sound "churchy" but I tend to go that direction when it comes to discussion on the after life

Good, I was worried :) I never mean to offend anyone, ever. It's just sometimes I don't word things properly. I tend to think everyone knows what I'm talking about.
Anyway, I, too, like discussing such things.


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