I've had some serious personal ups and (mainly) downs the past couple of years, but, after a year, I'm finally getting settled into a fairly decent apartment in a brand new building.  I decided to add some touches that may qualify as having a Western flavor.

      First, some floor coverings -

      These are cowhides, and the center star is made from stitched together bits of cowhide.  They were even quite less expensive than an ordinary decent quality area rug of similar size.

      Next I have this fellow:

      My favorite North American cryptid; The Jackalope.  (He's on the wall, beside, and to the right of the curtains, the bottoms of which are visible in the cowhide picture.)

      So, do things like this qualify as "Western Decor"?  I'd add some of my airguns, but the conditions of my lease specifically prohibit a "wall of guns", and even though they're not firearms, I've decided not to poke that particular bear.

      I've got a few other little items, like jade carvings of a horse, and a coyote, but they're not in a permanent position, yet.  I'm also considering a fake cactus, or two.  I'd try real ones, but even moderate sized cacti can be expensive, and I don't like to have the bright sunlight they'd need blazing into the apartment, since I don't keep a diurnal, or any kind of schedule.  I believe in the philosophy of "eat when you're hungry, and sleep when you're tired".  And believe it, or not, I've had four doctors tell me this is a good idea.

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