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Comment by Gwyn on August 9, 2013 at 3:11pm

Killing (which is weird to say since they are already dead)zombies becomes super uber boring fast. 

Comment by Gwyn on August 7, 2013 at 3:41pm

Yes, please, many pictures CPT Edward!!!
Do you have a camera attached to your boomstick? :)

Comment by Gwyn on August 7, 2013 at 3:34pm

Xbox, Dr. Tarr.

Out of curiosity I started to play through it again. You do get a choice of perks in replay, I chose to start from the outset with crossbow and assault rifle. There seems to be either less zombies in this play or I'm just used to taking them out now. I've been hitting them in the body with a bolt from afar, then when come at me, I finish them off with the machete. This way they return your arrow to you (instead of having to go fetch it, which is especially beneficial if you must take out a large gathering of zombies.)
So far there was only one extra town I was unable to go to the first time. All else is the same. Oh, and there is an option to restart the level you just played (but not to go back to previous ones, that I am aware of.)
I wonder if you play it several times if you eventually wipe out all zombies?
For some reason Merle’s voice kinda reminds me of Tree Trunks from A.T.

Comment by CPT Edward Leviticus H. on August 6, 2013 at 5:17pm

At this year's El Paso Comic Con it is Walking Dead themed! Some of the actors form the series will be there such as Merle and T Dawg. I too! Will be in attendance and will be sure to snap pictures. I will be dressed as Ash from Army of Darkness. Hail to the Kind baby!

Comment by Gwyn on August 2, 2013 at 4:57pm

What majorly sucked about Walking Dead Survival Instinct is the fact that it auto saves so you cannot return to a previous one in case you missed something; the blood splatter on screen when you kill a zombie which temporarily blocks some of your vision; when your health is down it also clouds the edges of the screen so limits vision; and in the final area you cannot access the inventory you left with your vehicle. I left MREs/Sports Drinks there and then could not get them and had to go the final stage without.

SPOILER ALERT!!!- Best part, in the final ‘battle’ Merle pulls up in a humvee with a machine gun turret (mounted on top) and you take out a massive amount of zombies (always aim for the head, don’t forget to double tap! :) What wasn’t too nice was Merle stops Daryl from boarding the last ‘whirly-bird’ <(is that what southerners call helicopters really?) Daryl is teed about it but then Merle asks, after it takes off, didn’t he (Daryl) see the look on the pilots face, he was about to turn! So therefore all the evacuees in said ‘whirly-bird’< heh :) will die. (The ‘heh’ was not about the evacuees dying, I just think the word ‘whirly-bird’ is funny and fun to say :) Dunno if I will play through again because you can’t go to all towns in one game play. It’s not a totally bad game, and is short, but it could have been better. I got it mostly because I like the show, but glad I opted for a used one so didn’t pay full price. (I’m not a real serious gamer, just play what/when I like.)

Comment by Gwyn on August 1, 2013 at 4:47pm
Comment by Ronin on July 31, 2013 at 11:31am


 Everquest Next - the next big thing?

Played the original from the earliest beta forward for years, played the followup.   to say the least, less than thrilled with EQ2.    pretty, but the slow grind of it just wasnt for me.

what could be "next"?  in theory, we start finding out on Friday, Aug 2.

other than curiosity and nostalgia, I hold little hope.  I think mostly to keep from being disappointed.

Comment by Gwyn on July 30, 2013 at 4:06pm

K, so sorta rushing them also works, like before they get to you (as long as there aren't dozens of them, obviously.)

Got the crossbow and LUV IT!

Uber dislike the crawlers!!!

Must be really boring to be a zombie. They are kinda pathetic and if it wasn’t for the herd mentality (which seems to be the only thing they have left besides the urge to eat) they wouldn’t be a problem.

Comment by Gwyn on July 24, 2013 at 7:20pm

New tactics for Walking Dead: Survival and dodge!
Finally made it to the trailer park by actually running. The zombies follow you in mass, but even if you die inside the park, it auto saves there and most of the zombies have disappeared when you’re ‘resurrected’!
Sometimes ‘she who has the sense to run away, lives to fight zombies another day!’
Also, if you punch them first when they attack, it temporarily stuns them and you can slash away or do the grappling one-stab mega kill to the head. Using stealth/crouching also helps, then you can sneak up on them, get close and take them out, or when close-ish stand and lure them one at a time to you.
K, it’s prolly not the way some would play it, but after all, it’s called ‘survival instincts’ so you do what ya’ gotta do, right?
I like the 'Dead Rising' games much better.

Comment by Gwyn on July 23, 2013 at 7:05pm

And here is the new trailer for Season 4 of the Walking Dead-


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