Lady Brielle Serra's Blog (13)

Net Neutrality! IMPORTANT

Hey all! If the vote against net neutrality passes, little websites like ours will be in trouble. Unless we pay big money we don't have preferential treatment, welcometosteampunk will run unbearably slow if we can even reach it! Please go to the following link and make the calls and sign the petition!

Added by Lady Brielle Serra on November 22, 2017 at 7:30pm — 1 Comment


They were driving into town, through the back roads, as always. Her suitor, Captain Solomon Ashmore, shook his head with a wry smile at her unusual request. He thought it odd that such a well bred Lady would want to go through the dirty back roads of London, but like him, she had a past that  had only been spoken of briefly-the kind of past that gives one idiosyncratic quirks. They accepted that about each other-some things are just not meant to be relived. He kissed her on…


Added by Lady Brielle Serra on August 16, 2016 at 7:45pm — No Comments

A Gilded Cage: The Perfect Disguise

Phillip and Brielle met Griffin out by the stables. They nervously hovered, waiting for their friend to appear while trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. Brielle fed her favorite pony, Midnight, sugar cubes, giggling as he slobbered all over her hand. Phillip shook his head.

            “Disgusting animals, sometimes. You do know you can just let Griffin take care of that…” His lip curled a little as she wiped her tiny hand against her dress.

            “Well where would…


Added by Lady Brielle Serra on April 22, 2014 at 12:17pm — No Comments

A Gilded Cage: The Perfect Disguise

Phillip and Brielle met Griffin out by the stables. They nervously hovered, waiting for their friend to appear while trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. Brielle fed her favorite pony, Midnight, sugar cubes, giggling as he slobbered all over her hand. Phillip shook his head.

            “Disgusting animals, sometimes. You do know you can just let Griffin take care of that…” His lip curled a little as she wiped her tiny hand against her dress.

            “Well where would…


Added by Lady Brielle Serra on April 22, 2014 at 12:17pm — No Comments

A Gilded Cage: To Be a Child

Brielle and Phillip saw their chance. The automaton nanny had fallen asleep holding Brielle's four year old little sister, Madeline. Madeline's head was lolling against the nanny. Nodding, to each other, they quietly tip toed across the room and slid out the cracked open door.

They had been waiting for this day for a while. Several families in the area had summer houses next to each other. The Serra's estate happened to be right next to the Keylock's, Phillips family. Both…


Added by Lady Brielle Serra on February 27, 2014 at 12:30am — No Comments

A New Way to Fight (A Collaboration between Wilhelm A. Heizeltroff and Lady Brielle Serra

Wil smiled at Brielle and chuckled as he took of his coat and vest. Setting them aside he donned his usual leather vest but chose to leave off the canvas shirt and wore his normal one.

Going to the wall he grabbed a small blade roughly the same size and weight as the one he'd given to Brielle. He also brought a wooden sheath the same length as the parasol. Setting them down on a bench near to Brielle he also handed her a stiff leather vest to put over her gown as well as some leather…


Added by Lady Brielle Serra on October 15, 2013 at 8:00pm — No Comments

Tricked into a Trap

After leaving Felix the note in the Gear, Brielle nervously left to the docks down the way. She picked a complicated route back home, as she did not want Felix to easily find her and interfere with her plan. She was not looking forward to answering for her actions when she got home. However,she had to do what needed to be done to save her sister from the same miserable fate she herself had nearly suffered. Certainly, if she had asked Felix, he would have helped her in her…

Added by Lady Brielle Serra on September 11, 2013 at 12:00am — No Comments

A Letter Arrives

Brielle was sitting by the bar in the Rejected Gear, morosely sipping on a glass of sweet white wine and contemplating how her life had been going  lately. She was feeling down on several counts.
For starters, Felix had been preoccupied with finding Tura' lu and when he wasn't off meeting with people trying to make a break through, he was often in the basement training. Even when he was with her, he wasn't really present the way he used to be-his mind was very…

Added by Lady Brielle Serra on August 27, 2013 at 12:30am — No Comments

Settling in, Growing up, Getting what I wished for, and Regrets

Apologies, it has been a while, but I have been so very busy settling into my new life! Many things have happened since I last posted....firstly, on the professional front, Felix has offered me a position aboard his ship as a medic. He can take pretty good care of himself and his crew on that front, but he seems to believe that he will die and leave his dear crew alone and that they will need someone to take care of them. I cannot think of anyone more woefully unprepared to do that, as if…


Added by Lady Brielle Serra on August 5, 2013 at 11:55am — No Comments

Of New Friends and Old Friends

Upon walking into the bar after finding myself work at a medic outsourcing center, I laid eyes upon someone from my past. I was terrified-I knew my parents would send someone to find me, but I didn’t guess how fast. Sizing him up and writing a note to Felix should I be abducted, I talked to the man, Sir Fergus Flynn Esquire, and soon found out that not only was he not here to abduct me, but running away from political intrigue back from home. We chatted for awhile, and I met the other…


Added by Lady Brielle Serra on July 3, 2013 at 5:27pm — No Comments

Of Airports and Absinthe

I left the ship at a middle size airport, dragging my suitcase along, hoping to by chance find someone who needed a medic. I don’t particularly look the part, everything about the way I’m dressed screams “highborn lady who hasn’t worked a day in her life”, because I haven’t had the chance to get clothes befitting the active lifestyle inherent of airships. I first meandered into a teashop with an automaton/human hybrid who was ever so sweet and made sure I got a nice, quiet moment to myself.…


Added by Lady Brielle Serra on July 3, 2013 at 5:00pm — No Comments

On Escaping and Shenanigans

Upon graduating from University, I needed to make a plan fast…the wedding was scheduled for one week from graduation! I spent three days carefully planning, gathering what I needed-two corsets, A few dresses, blouses, skirts and under things for clothes, my boots, my medic kit, some money and a few personal articles. Two nights before the wedding, I slipped out in the middle of the night to find the nearest airport. I took my steam powered bike, really more of a scooter, so it technically…


Added by Lady Brielle Serra on June 29, 2013 at 10:00pm — No Comments

Lady Brielle Presents the Story of her life, THus Far

Hello! My name is Lady Brielle, although according to my parents I should drop the Lady from that. I don’t think it’s my fault that they had unreasonable expectations of what my life should look like! They had been unreasonably restrictive since I was of a young age-Ladies do this and Ladies do that, and Ladies most certainly do NOT do that! I’m actually quite decent at most of the trappings of being a lady, but the fact is that I’ve always wanted MORE than getting married and having babies.…


Added by Lady Brielle Serra on June 29, 2013 at 1:22pm — 1 Comment

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