Lachlan sat at the bar quietly nursing his drink and thinking to himself " Well, another good run, good haul, no trouble, no Air Navy pursuit....its too easy I must have missed something." Just then a faint whiff of a scent in the air crossed his nostrils it was New Orleans, the smell of the river and the magnolias, the gumbo and sweat of humans it was a combination you never forget. He looked around the room it was close, just outside the doors. He scanned the bar quickly Wil was in his chair contentedly reading a paper of some sort and smoking a cigar no one else appeared to be about. The door opened and a youngish black man in working class clothes entered "May either of you gentlemen know where I might find a Lachlan Bellraven ?
Here it comes Lach thought to himself, Wil spoke up " I believe he lifted off this very morning bound for Gold Port, Brazil I think it was ...too bad run along now."Lach appreciated Wils attempt to diffuse the situation but the young man would have none of it . " I know he here close, I got tis , he openned up a small leather pouch and revealed a small cham made of a wax figure and what appeared to be some bits of fabric and a bone, "Tis tell me he close by " the tone of his voice began to change to reflect more of what Lachlan and Wil both assumed the boy was meaning to be threatening instead he came off to them more and more as a pumped up snot nose in need of a thrashing.
Lachlan figured this was enough " I am Captain Lachlan Bellraven Master and Commander of the ship Dixie Witch, and just who might you be son?"
The boys eyes flared with both surprise and anger " I de boy of the man you done killt! "
Lachlan still casual remarked, "You'll have to be more precise son, that could be anybody he said it with a chuckle in hopes in might scare the kid into NOT doing something stupid in the next five minutes. "My name Etienne Latraunte you done killt my daddy now I gone kill you!"
This was all suddenly very serious and Wil noticed the character of Lachlans face change Wil spoke up again " Lets be civil son, no need getting killed over something ya can't change "Shut yo mouth you ole stinky cigar smokin ole man! " Offended by the young upstarts insult Wil calmly looked at Lachlan..."Dibbs on what ever ya feel like leaving for me when your done" and Wil sat back down to watch the show.
"Go home boy, you got no mind for what you doing" Lachlans cajun accent became thicker as he got more serious and perturbed. "I know you killt my daddy!" Etienne lunged at Lachlan with a small knife he had in his sleeve, Lachlan saw the move a mile away and easily blocked it "Calm down boy before I do something yo momma gone regret!" The boy tried again and this time Lac let him make contact the blade slid off the gator hide of his jacket "Boy I am trying my level best to let you live and walk away, " He raised his voice as if commanding his crew "Stand Down! " Lachlan flashed his eyes from their normal dark brown to their wolf amber gold and made a lightning fast lunge , grabbing the boy by the shirt and growling in his face flashing his elongated cainines
The look on the boys face was priceless" You a Garou!!!!" he screamed and tried to toss some sort of powder from his pocket onto Lachlan. Lachlan took no notice of the dust it was meant to stop spirits and he couldnt help but laugh out loud now with his cajun accent in full affect he sneered " Yea boy, I kill yo daddy he was bad voo doo bad man making bad threats, I took him out an I skinn his tattoo off his back while he still living screaming for mercy!" The blood lust and anger in Lachlans eyes now held Etienne in check, the boy was frozen with fear and horror. "I took him to da swamp an I skinn 'im like a buck an threw him still livin to da gators ..and they luvved him " Lachlan laughed slightly as he remembered the event, " Made this holster outa his precious protection tattoo!" Lachlan threw the boy down an showed him the holster of his Tesla pistol, the tattooed skin of his fathers back did indeed form the body of the holster. "Now, run home BOY! I got no need to make anymore leather goods today.
" I gone kill you ! " Wil watched as the boy tried to attack Lachlan bare handed "Poor Fool ," Wil thought to himself then went back to reading his paper keeping one eye just slightly over the top of it to view the scene. Lach grabbed the boy and twisted his arm back restraining him easily. The angry boy screamed in pain and anger SHE DED TOO!" This statement threw Lachlan for a loop and he slammed the groaning boy to the ground then violently slammed his boot onto his cheat to hold him firm to the floor.
"Who is dead?" Lachlan asked the question so politely that it almost made Wil laugh."...She ded...your Joan Marie.." The boy managed to get out half a pitiful groaning laugh. In an instant the boy hit the ceiling and was back on the floor Lachlan having thrown him, caught him on the way back down ,and reintroduced him to the floor once more "You a lie BOY !" Lachlan holding the boy down looked over to Wil his accent now so thick Wil almost had trouble understanding him "Hey Wil yo evea wonda bout how long a hed be livin after it off de shoulder?"
"I believe 10 to 15 seconds maybe " was Wils nonchalant relpy
"Boy, you a lie , Joan not dead! " Lachlan wanted it to be true but had the sick feeling she was actually killed first before he began looking for him. "Lachlan nearly growling questioned the boy "HOW!" he implied the importance of the question by slamming the boys head into the floor.
The boy groaning still managed to laugh weakly ..." She die in a accident runaway wagon run her over " "It was NO accident was it ?" Lachlan now fading from blind anger to concern for his childhood love. "I cant help some one spooked them hosses right when she walk by...he attempted to laugh again but this time it was more like just coughing blood . The fury was now fully lit in Lachlan and he looked calmy down at the boy on the floor " Boy you left or right handed?, ah well, dosen't really matter anyway" Lachlan calmly proceed to ear the boys left hand off with a horriffic snapping and tearing sound the hand came quickly free of its host arm and the blood flowed freely over the floor. The boys pitiful screams filled the Gear " Oh do shut up please " Lachlan asked calm like he was asking someone to pass the potatoes a a Sunday dinner. "This is a respectable place you know, and just look your bleeding all over the floor. Lachlan squatted down next to the boy looking at him like a cat looks at a mouse. " Now, " Lachlan said casually grabbing the boys other hand away from him "Who EXACTLY spooked the horses?" Lachlan was completly calm and cool when he asked the question and the boy was struggling to speak, Lachlan leaned in and cupped a hand over his ear as if struggling to hear "Speak up boy, need to hear ya loud and proud as they say."
"It...was " "You, really?, well then " Lachlan reached out and tore the other hand of so fast it slung blood over half the room. The pathetic screams of the dying boy, now annoying Wil and Wil chimed in "Could ya keep him quiet please , trying to read here." Lachlan replied graciously and with complete calm "I'm terribly sorry Wil, just give me another say 30 seconds?" Lachlan grabbed the boy up by his head and put him on his feet blood continuing to flow onto the floor " Now boy, live or die your choice are you lying about Joan Marie ?" The boy already knew he failed to kill Lachlan and so it seemed appeared to accept his fate "She...ded...her and her ...daughter" Lachlan heard enough the world went red and in a sudden violent sickening snapping tearing explosion of anger roared and ripped the boys head off his shoulders, looking deep into the bodiless heads eyes he said "10 SECONDS Im the last thing you see I gone kill yo family your brothers do all manner of evil to your sisters and I gone kill yo mamma too think on tat in HELL!!!" Lachlan dropped kicked the head into the fireplacethen turning and as if coming out of some sort of trance began to take stock of the room. "Um, oh dear , seem to have made rather a mess, ...Bries gonna kill me oh, Wil , want a slightly used head ? "
Lachlan has a very evil side if provoked but, he didn't shift into werewolf form so he is still good by the Covenant rules.
© 2025 Created by Alexander Baker.
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