I knew they were there ,their vain attempt to hide their scents in the perfume of the street was a good idea but traveling in a group like they were just concentrated the stench of common lap dog. I ducked quickly into the next alley and did a quick once over, few windows and doors all of them closed , dead end lots of clutter this was gonna be just fine. I hid behind a stack of haphazardly stacked crates and waited to see if they were truly stupid enough to follow me in. Soon enough the first one attempted a semi cautious entry into alley.
He was slightly below average build and wore the clothes of a common street vendor, his tattered bowler hat seemed somewhat newer than the rest of his attire and it smelled different , heh, joker stole it off someone he probably roughed up, what a loser." Come on friend, lets not drag this out " Oh, like he was doing ME a favor. His tone was cocky and proud, definitely this little pack of rejects Alpha. "We just want the money , that's all, give it back and we all walk away fine." As he spoke the rest of the hind teaters started falling into the alley attempting to block my exit. Oh give me a break, the little pups wanna be wolves taking out a lamb. "Come on friend , we know you're here, you know we know just come on out!"
I walked out from my spot not four feet from him and said " Well said, very Alpha" He was taken aback by my being so close but to his credit he hid his surprise well. "Out here in the open not very private, I know this great place called" The Gear "very private, very understanding of peoples private business." "Get bent old man ! to emphasize his point he shoved me trying to flex muscle he really didn't have, "You are gonna give us what we want and maybe we'll make it quick for ya."
"Well that's a change" I said calmly knowing my calm was annoying him no end. I could smell his frustration " Earlier you said we all walk away fine, huh? Why the sudden change of heart?" "Do I scare you...puppy" and I flicked his ear to add injury to insult, and he almost jumped outta his skin. One of his mongrels lost it and jumped, shifting in midair attempting to land on me , sadly he landed on his boss as I had decided to grab him and use him as a shield.( Ok, I know it's crass but sometimes the most crude is the most effective)
I slung them to the ground and looked quickly around no humans and this needed to be over quickly "This is forbidden by the Covenant and you know it !"I scolded them like the children they were acting like, all semblance of civility was no gone as I approached the two still clambering to get up. I shifted quickly and dispatched the jumper, he barely had time to whimper as his neck snapped, the other three now drunk on the scent of blood and adrenalin shifted and made a blind rush, a blind stupid rush. I admit in retrospect I almost feel guilt for what happened, I hate it when youthful stupidity puts pups in harms way but, they picked this fight, so Deaths cold embrace was coming right quick for this bunch.
I can only imagine that to the oblivious humans behind their doors and closed windows thought was going on wild dogs fighting in some bleak alley way maybe. I hate having to putdown young ones but if I didn't and the Covenant found out it would be me next on the list. Finally after the sounds of splattering gore and whines of death silenced I stood there, soaked in blood ,mostly theirs but, to be fair they did get a few good bites on, gonna take a few days to heal up I looked down at the last one , the so called leader he was a truly pitiful sight now, actually having wet himself while trying to get away ."Why boy, why provoke an elder like this, who actually sent you to die like this?"
Spitting blood he stammered " I, I just wanted to make a name ya know" he was shivering and losing blood his time to run the sky was coming fast . "I just ..work for them.. , they want the ...money back" He began to spasm and I knew all I needed to I shifted once more and quickly bit through his neck, I feel the last twitch of his body and the rush of his blood running down my throat.I shift back and quickly arranged the bodies and set fire to them so that to the casual observer they appear to have been simply killed and disposed of like any other lowlife criminal. I got to the mouth of the alley and began screaming fire! As a crowd began gathering I made my way quietly through the streets to my ship. Things were about to get interesting, these are not folk to be trifled with they have ties to the Russian royal family through one of their agents
© 2025 Created by Alexander Baker.
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