"Someone to meet?! " I mocked, "You actually want me to make landfall anywhere near that place?!"
"It is in your best intrests captain, we did have a bargain..."
"Yeah," I replied" But that was when I thought you were a harmless crazy old man."
"Insanity, is all about perspective." There was something in the way he said that , the tone of his voice and the haze in his eyes that made me want to throw him overboard to his precious whatever out there. "I require you to deliver me to that holy site and wait for me to return."
"Oh yeah, after all this Im gonna hang around waiting , oh no you are on your own!"
"Very well, Captain.....Anazeth morothinalish Cthulhu ! " The ship was struck by a greenish bolt of what I can only describe as unnatural and evil twisted lightining,normally this wouldn't be a problem as we recently upgraded our electrical with a new electro insulator bank, but whatever hit us wasnt normal electricity.
"CAPTAIN !" the pilot screamed in panic "We are going down!" "Perfect," I think to myself, "Find us a good flat place to put down steady as ya can"
"You see , I promise no one will be harmed as long as you obey me"
Obey him!!!! oh, this just gets better I think to myself, "Captain , we have a clearing in front of the structure plenty big enough for a landfall'"
"Land " I cant believe I actually gave the order , grabbing the old man by the collar and hoisting him up I pull him close and I speak very clearly straight in to his face "I dont care what happens to you , but if one more of my crew is harmed ...you WON'T be leaving this place!"
"Captain," he said completly unshaken "I never intended to leave, you would never have come if you knew the true reasons for this pilgrimage."
"Pilgrimage? ...this isnt any holy city, you ARE insane."
"Now captain, if you would care to accompany me , I require the assistance of you and four of your crew....dont worry, the rest wont leave with out you , they cant as your mechanic will soon be along to tell you she has at least a days worth of work to repair what I have alreay sabotaged, theres a good fellow ...come along"
It was all I could do not to change , I swore the oath of the covenant never to reveal but, I REALLY wanted to literally rip his head off. Im ashamed to say I didnt notice it at first , but thinking back on it now... his scent had changed as well from the man who first approached me about this whole nightmare. Who or what ever he or it now was was different."Mr. Steelcastle, " my quartermaster stepped up, "Prepair a party of yourself and three more, it appears we will be escorting the good professor to his destination."
© 2025 Created by Alexander Baker.
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