So, I just got a 24-hour suspension from the chat for arguing that those who are happy with using the Laughing Moon Frock Coat pattern are ignorant to the fact that it doesn't create a real frock coat, and thus would not be happy if they were aware of the differences. I wouldn't back down from my position so they kicked me.

Now I sort of understand what Sator of was up against and why he banned talk of costume tailoring. I have the first bit of sympathy for him.

Of course, the people who kicked me don't know what I know. How could they? They didn't study. It's just like the backlash someone receives in Plato's Allegory of the Cave, when they return into the darkness after having looked upon the sun. Mocked and shunned. That's the crux of it, I suppose. Unless you actually know the differences and what they present, you would think the guy's just trying to be a dick.

But to call me wrong? The world is round, not flat.

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Comment by Lady Brielle Serra on October 25, 2014 at 5:01pm

While you did not call a specific member ignorant, or stupid, there were members explaining their stance on the simplicity pattern(casual costuming, not needing historical accuracy in steampunk ect.) And your response was "Only ignorance separates that state of mind." A Plato quote enhances your statement and makes a stronger point, which was that of an insult against people who chose to do something different than you. This is in fact harassment, which is not tolerated and the biggest rule of the website as clearly stated on the rules and contact page. Additionally, you had several chances to apologize for the insult and change your tone, which you refused to do, including several members of the administration(also clearly listed on the rules and contact page) contacting you on the main chat and in private chat.

Comment by Lady Brielle Serra on October 25, 2014 at 4:55pm

No one said you were wrong, no one said that the methods of tailoring were not superior in a professional sense. We only asked that you not call casual costumers ignorant if they are happy with their simplicity pattern. Everyone has different needs, and we do not condone talking down to people for liking different things.

Comment by Rev. Luficarius van Ratspeed,Esq on October 25, 2014 at 4:52pm

I did not call any members ignorant, and I certainly did not call them stupid. You say you have logs of the chat. If there is any mention of stupidity in there, then you have forged them, sir. My frustration was not even directed at a member. It was from someone on another site. Apparently you don't check facts before kicking people.

Comment by Alexander Baker on October 25, 2014 at 4:52pm

Comment by Alexander Baker on October 25, 2014 at 4:51pm

I sent you three private messaged and I kicked you because Brielle told you to stop talking down to people and you didn't listen. And if you look I sent you three messages. You have the right to your opinion. You do not have the right to call someone ignorant or stupid because their way of thinking is different than yours. If they want to craft something with what they want they are entitled to do that. And I am not blackmailing you. I hold my sponsors representatives to high standards. the utmost professionalism is required in my house. Being a gentleman goes both ways. We have a very strong harassment policy and strictly enforce it. WE suspended you for not listening to the moderators.

Comment by Rev. Luficarius van Ratspeed,Esq on October 25, 2014 at 4:40pm

Moreover, sir. Don't try to blackmail me by saying you're "going to tell my boss." Are you suggesting that I as an individual don't have the right to an opinion simply because I'm volunteering my time to a radio station? That definitely shows me of your own caliber as a gentleman, for sure.

Comment by Rev. Luficarius van Ratspeed,Esq on October 25, 2014 at 4:38pm

I was suspended. Don't say I wasn't.

Comment by Rev. Luficarius van Ratspeed,Esq on October 25, 2014 at 4:35pm

Yes I was kicked. It said I was suspended for 24 hours. No one told me to stop. They just kept telling me I was wrong, or that I had no right to say what I was saying. If you told me to stop I would have stopped, but I was being ganged up by everyone in there. Sorry if you're insulted by facts.

Comment by Alexander Baker on October 25, 2014 at 4:34pm

You do not call my members ignorant or stupid, just because they dont do something YOUR way.

Comment by Alexander Baker on October 25, 2014 at 4:33pm

You weren't kicked. You failed to listen to the administration when we told you to stop. I have already told your boss about you being a jackass and ruining the radios rating. You arent being mocked and shunned you are being a jackass and we are saving all the conversations.

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