Per the instructions of her court-appointed therapist, Madame Sedwick apologizes to her WTS friends.

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Comment by Madame Erzebet Sedwick on March 9, 2016 at 7:47pm

Darlings, what ever are you doing? You naughty girls... *grabs the..... ya know*

Comment by Arabella Porter on March 8, 2016 at 5:54pm

"*slaps ass* she's going to punish you!"  I think I broke right there. 

Comment by Lady Brielle Serra on February 10, 2016 at 10:31pm
Oh darling! We have missed you so! The shenanigans have not been the same without you, and I have not been able to properly practice the best method of self defense, fencing without you! Although Ara has shown me some rather fantabulous wrestling and sparring techniques, which we shall demonstrate for you of course.....Some of the inmates have been rather unruly, and I can't quite properly discipline them without you! Especially since when you left, you took the *whispers in ear* ahem...and the other.....*flicks open fan* It makes it rather difficult to enforce the law of the land, without the proper implements, my dear. XOXO, darling. You have been sorely missed.

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