A place for those who feel outcast or forgotten by the steampunk community or in life. Grab a chair, have a drink, and have a jolly good time with jolly good company. There are people in the world who suck and this is an escape.

The underground life isn't for all be we are out there.


My name is Alex ,the owner, and I'll be your bartender

Along with Ara, the other bartender


And Simon, the Demon King Monkey!

Welcome to the world of steampunk, and If you are new we will gladly help you with anything you need. And check us out for whiskey Wednesday's, where whiskey is free.



There is an underlying story and/or parts there of, that is followed from the Airship Alicia Grey and The Airship Battle Royale. It is not the main focus of the Gear, but It does happen from time to time. The events are scripted at first, but remember your input changes the script. 

This role-play bar, is a light hearted dose of fun. It has its serious moments but the Spirit of the Gear is about comradery, having some drinks, and experiencing everything and anything. The more veteran gear posters will help out the newer Gear Goers with any questions, or ideas.

The gear is designed to help develop your characters if you would like. Feel free to message T.R. Harrison, Arabella Porter, or myself, if you have any questions.







We have a skype room:

[Currently Under Renovation]

World's End(The underground of the RG)

DISCLAIMER: Chat is unfiltered and uncensored, join at your own risk and if you have an issue with it you do not have to participate. This is a back room off welcome. The rejected gear and all afiliated persons are not accountable for the skype chatroom.


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Alright. Then...*she hears a beep from her bag and ignores it at first before the beeping turns to static and Captain Bennet's voice comes over the talk box* Ara, this an emergency. *Ara presses the red button* I'm busy. i'll be there in a second. *she looks to Jack* Here, *she lefts Ellie's arm around her shoulder and pulls her up gently* I'll see she's safe and gets to bed without trouble, then I have some work to do and then I'll be back to watch her, alright? *she starts to walk Ellie upstairs*

*phoebe follows them upstairs to stand watch over Ellie.*

As Ara is leaving Jack stops her momentarily and says "Tank you." before going to get his drunken passed out sister and taking her up stairs. He comes back down, checks on simon, turned the lights down and before he headed up staris he saw the crackle of the blue flame in the fireplace. "We are safe, he said to himself.

That morning Sarah had departed for her next assignment. Jack and Ellie had departed in the spirit. and it was just Phoebe all alone. She took turned off the lights, grabbed simon, and walked out the front door. She pulled out the copper key and locked the door.

A single tear fell to the ground as the latch clicked. "I will miss you." she said softly as she pushed her shades up, straightened her beret, and walked away. The looming silhouette stood there. Ever unchanging.

*sits in the rafters, in the shadows, dark like ash. His eyes are all that can be seen, bright orange and glowing like hot coals* Goodbye my friend, I shall find you, and return you to Midgard where you belong..with your unknowing warband *vanishes in the puff of smoke and embers*

*walks up to the door and goes to open it but it doesn't budge* ... *Ara shakes her head and then thinks* No...try again.. *She goes to open it again but before she can the door of The Rejected Gear opens wide as if it's smiling apologetically* ...a mind of its own. *says she and the corners of her lips curl up as she walks in and looks around the dark, empty bar*

There is a blue flicker from behind the bar, as the lights start turn on from a slow dim. The blue flames in the fireplace becoming larger as the ghostly silhouette of Alcia Appears tending the fire. "Welcome Arabella." It says in a sweet robotic voice.

 *she draws her gun at the movement and when she hears Alicia's voice, she smiles and holsters it* of course. *she says to herself* Thank you. *She responds* Anything I should be knowing about right now, miss?

"I have let Jack and Miss Elliot know of your arrival." The blue holograph said. As it flickered to behind the Bar.

*Raising his head up once more from the table and squinting at the apparition*...This place is more and more disturbing every time I come to in here...

 *stands awkwardly in the middle of the bar* Thank you...Alicia....*she says quietly, focused on her thoughts* hey, Alicia, is the Rejected Gear locked completely at the moment?

"At the moment yes." Alicia replied in her robotic voice.

Jack and Ellie arrived on the elevator, when Ellie saw Ara she ran and hugged Ara.

*Ara returns the hug and tilts her face up* How's the eye?


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