A place for those who feel outcast or forgotten by the steampunk community or in life. Grab a chair, have a drink, and have a jolly good time with jolly good company. There are people in the world who suck and this is an escape.

The underground life isn't for all be we are out there.


My name is Alex ,the owner, and I'll be your bartender

Along with Ara, the other bartender


And Simon, the Demon King Monkey!

Welcome to the world of steampunk, and If you are new we will gladly help you with anything you need. And check us out for whiskey Wednesday's, where whiskey is free.



There is an underlying story and/or parts there of, that is followed from the Airship Alicia Grey and The Airship Battle Royale. It is not the main focus of the Gear, but It does happen from time to time. The events are scripted at first, but remember your input changes the script. 

This role-play bar, is a light hearted dose of fun. It has its serious moments but the Spirit of the Gear is about comradery, having some drinks, and experiencing everything and anything. The more veteran gear posters will help out the newer Gear Goers with any questions, or ideas.

The gear is designed to help develop your characters if you would like. Feel free to message T.R. Harrison, Arabella Porter, or myself, if you have any questions.







We have a skype room:

[Currently Under Renovation]

World's End(The underground of the RG)

DISCLAIMER: Chat is unfiltered and uncensored, join at your own risk and if you have an issue with it you do not have to participate. This is a back room off welcome. The rejected gear and all afiliated persons are not accountable for the skype chatroom.


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*she smirks* I really do learn something new every day around here. Alchemy...I thought it was just stories! *she looks over to Simon* Although...I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, exactly, given the other inhabitants around here. It makes me wonder what else my parents hid from me...*she giggles softly* Ah, well....discovering everything one at a time is an adventure, I suppose!

Wil laughs and relights his pipe after thumbing in some tobacco. "I apologize. I sometimes tend to pontificate about my chosen trade. I often forget not everyone cares about the minutia of what it takes to do what I do. I am certain though your parents likely hid much of the world from you. Of what use would such knowledge be to a young lady?"

*Brielle casts her eyes down and blushes, stifling a giggle* They neglected many things that they deemed to be useless knowledge for a young lady......any way to defend myself for one...*she whispers* or how babies are made. Or that you don't only have to do that to make babies. *giggle* Poor Ara got that one foisted on her.....Tim and Felix weren't game for explaining that!

Wil laughs loudly and has a hard time stopping. Holding his sides as he roars. "Oh how I'd have loved to have seen that discussion with poor Arabella! She must have been quite the sight trying to explain it."

He finally calms himself though he keeps chuckling. About that time the older looking Indian gentleman walks in with a box. Bowing to Brielle he sets a box on the table. "Master Heizeltroff. The items you requested. Now" his voice and eyes going quite stern, "if you don't mind I really must see to making sure the rest of the house is properly cleaned for your new guest! So please STOP interrupting me!"

He turns and bows again to Brielle and walks out quickly.

*Brielle has a confused expression towards the stranger* What is all of this about Will? and a house guest? Do tell. I love hearing about the goings on about here *she smiles and sips some wine*

My good and old friend Deacon recently found his way to me after a number of years. He was looking for work and I needed good security at my lab. So I've hired him on as head of security and given him the spare apartment in my lab. Which happens to be my home as well. And this, my dear girl, happens to be the items I had Simon send his note for."

Wil smiles and opens the box in front of him with a smile. Inside is a small collection of various items all clearly made for a lady. Including three parasols, four sets of gloves, two fans, a small cameo, and a lovely filigreed hatpin.


*Brielle's eyes go wide and then she grins in anticipation* These are lovely Wil!!! Do let me know how much they cost...I am sure they are worth every penny! I am supposing these are not normal fripperies? Do they have a bite, so to speak?

Oh do not worry about the cost my friend." He laughs with ease as he pulls them out and sets them on the table.

"Let's begin with the simplest and smallest to show the bite of each." He holds up the filigreed hatpin and turns it around letting her see the lovely design. On each side is a simple emerald stone in the center. "Hold those stones at the same time and it open a small pool of very potent sedatives. The result leaves just about anyone touching it asleep for several hours."

After that he pulls out the cameo and chuckles. "Press the top and it puffs out a cloud of dust made some very potent hallucinogenic plants. Anyone who breathes it in is going to spend the rest of the day watching the colors of the wind twirl. Make sure they are within three feet when pushing the button. Be sure to cover your face quickly though. I'd rather you didn't breath it as well."

Moving to the fans he pulls both of them out. On the first he presses a button and three inch long, razor sharp blades extend from the ends of the ribs in the fan. "Self explanatory I'm sure!" He chuckles.

The next he unfolds into an open fan. Pulling a thick bladed knife from behind his back he stabs it into the fan which neither rips nor deforms. "The fabric has the tensile strength of steel. You can not rip, stab through, or cut this fabric. And the ribs are just as tough. A good smack with this will leave someone quite shocked but it's also a good defense from a blade."

Next he retrieves the gloves. One set of white regular gloves and another white set of opera gloves. Another of each in black. "These are quite simple. All are made of the same fabric as the defense fan. Which means your fist or hand is going to be much, much harder then bare. The palms of the white ones have micro needles that are coated with toxins that will leave them quite sick. It won't kill them but it will take weeks before they are fully functional. The black gloves on the other hand can kill someone if they are not treated with an anti toxin. Obviously I wouldn't want an accident so the needles have to be deployed." He shows her the gloves closely and she can see a small hidden button on the inner wrist of each glove. "Press those and out the needles come. Other wise you are just wearing some very tough gloves."

"Last but not least are the parasols. Each of these is different. The most non lethal is the first." Holding up one with a reddish shaft and a red and gold cover. "This one has a small button on the grip. Press and hold it. Stab the end into the opponent. They get hit with enough of a charge to knock a horse over. It won't kill them but they'll likely end up twitching on the ground soiling themselves."

The second he holds up and shows a dark, nearly black, wooden shaft with a black and silver fabric over the ribs. "Same button. Same location. Puffs out a much larger dose of the same powder in the cameo. The amount in this will leave close a dozen people incapacitated for days. It can also be used about half a dozen times before it needs to be refilled."

The last he pulls out is a lovely golden wood with blue and green fabric on the ribs. "This is the most lethal. The cap contains a small charge which will blow on impact as long as the button is pressed. If that doesn't work..." He twists the handle and pulls out a thin, very sharp sword with a blade roughly twenty six inches long. "You may wish to take some fencing lessons to use this correctly but it is a damn good weapon. The blade will not break under nearly any condition and also has a very special property. It releases a very potent energy that will cause great sickness unlucky enough to be struck with it. So anyone cut by this will be clearly identified by the desperate illness within twenty four hours. If you'd like I'll happily teach you about swordplay since Felix is often busy."


He smiles as he leans back in the chair and sighs happily looking at them. "They are all yours my dear. Enjoy and use them carefully."

*she blinks, overwhelmed* My goodness Wil! Anna was able to learn to use all of this? I am quite afraid I might accidentally gas myself in the face! *she picks up the fan* I at least know how to use this, since Felix gave me one very much like it. I would be much obliged for some swordplay practice, I train with Sarah but she can be SO intimidating sometimes, and I would like to show her up just once *she quirks a little smile* She wouldn't know where it came from!

Wil laughs and nods. "It took her some time but she learned to use all of it. And I can happily teach you to use each of them. It will take a bit of time as well."

He can't help but grin as he sees her admiring them. "Please. Pick up and play with them. They are yours. I have no reason to have them lying around."

*she places the pin and cameo, and then puts on the gloves* No one will ever even suspect these! They are quite wonderful. Have you ever considered creating the gentleman's version of these hidden weapons? It seems like it would be useful for those around here who aren't even safe going to the theater.....

Brie...Oh dear Brie!!! save some merchandise for me....*rushes inside the Gear after her attention was called by the beautiful hat pin.... ohhhh sweet trinkets


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