A place for those who feel outcast or forgotten by the steampunk community or in life. Grab a chair, have a drink, and have a jolly good time with jolly good company. There are people in the world who suck and this is an escape.

The underground life isn't for all be we are out there.


My name is Alex ,the owner, and I'll be your bartender

Along with Ara, the other bartender


And Simon, the Demon King Monkey!

Welcome to the world of steampunk, and If you are new we will gladly help you with anything you need. And check us out for whiskey Wednesday's, where whiskey is free.



There is an underlying story and/or parts there of, that is followed from the Airship Alicia Grey and The Airship Battle Royale. It is not the main focus of the Gear, but It does happen from time to time. The events are scripted at first, but remember your input changes the script. 

This role-play bar, is a light hearted dose of fun. It has its serious moments but the Spirit of the Gear is about comradery, having some drinks, and experiencing everything and anything. The more veteran gear posters will help out the newer Gear Goers with any questions, or ideas.

The gear is designed to help develop your characters if you would like. Feel free to message T.R. Harrison, Arabella Porter, or myself, if you have any questions.







We have a skype room:

[Currently Under Renovation]

World's End(The underground of the RG)

DISCLAIMER: Chat is unfiltered and uncensored, join at your own risk and if you have an issue with it you do not have to participate. This is a back room off welcome. The rejected gear and all afiliated persons are not accountable for the skype chatroom.


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Wil's face take a curious expression as he thinks of that idea before answering slowly. "I....I'm not sure actually. I'm sure it would extend the lifespan to some extent I'm sure. Perhaps double the lifespan at the out most I would figure. I mean I can't imagine why I couldn't include a diluted measure of the formula that affected me. That should expand the life span..."

Wilhelm pulls out his notebook and begins jotting in notes in what appears to be an odd language comprised of symbols and a vastly different alphabet.

Her eyes go wide in the direction that the conversation twisted.

"Do you need any more test subjects? Since you are now changing it? Its...mostly perfect now, correct? The nasty side effects are gone?" She chews on her lower lip, not quite sure how hard to push with her line of questioning.

Wil laughs and shakes his head. "The Perfection Formula is far from perfect at the moment my dear. The last test subject developed horrendous muscle spasms that caused his body to basically rip itself apart. Now while I'm fairly certain I have solved that issue it hasn't helped that many of the subjects seem to become mentally unstable. I think the increased speed of their mind is causing other side effects but I truly can't be certain. I suspect another six to twelve months and I will have this done exactly as I need it. Once that happens who knows what I will do with it."

Her face falls as she hears of the fatal flaws that still exist within the solution, and then brightens back up as she hears the timeline.

"You really think it will be solid, safe, within the year?" Her voice is a little shaky and she hastily swipes a tear off her face. She mumbles something that vaguely sounds like "22.... isn't so old when he's stuck....at 30?"

Wil catches the tremble in her voice and her muttered comment. "While I believe it will be as close to market ready as it is likely to get I wouldn't suggest under taking this path lightly my dear. Nor would I do so without consulting the person you may be doing this for. This formula is designed to perfect humanity that is true but it started, as so much of my work has, to create a perfect soldier. The results may give you the agelessness you seek but that will not be the only effect to be sure."

He pats her hand softly as he takes his drink.

She sighs heavily.

"He's not the only one I'm doing it for. He would probably tell me not to. That he is destined to become a monster, to go insane..." She trails off.

"I don't believe that. At least, not if everyone around him he loves, doesn't die. For me, having no loved ones left....that would certainly drive me insane." She giggles a little bit sadly.

"And....I have to admit, part of it is my own vanity. Right now, I'm younger than him. I look younger than him...he is battle scarred and tough and ten years older than me. But...Only for the next ten years. Then, I will slowly pass him. I won't be young, or beautiful anymore."

Wil starts to speak and she waves a hand and continues. "I know he will still love me. But that is different from...." she mumbles and blushes. "Wanting me."

Her lip starts to tremble. "And...eventually, I'll die. I'll die, he might go insane, but he'll still be fairly young looking and handsome. And very lonely. He pretends not to need anyone, but...in his own quiet way, he needs the support as much as anyone does. Which...will lead to..." She shakes her head and starts her sentence over.  "

"Is is sad that I'm envious of the future women, quick liaisons though they may be, that may or may not exist after I wrinkle and grey and eventually die?"

Wilhelm listens and nods solemnly as she finishes. "He is right to fear insanity you know. He is a warrior and one who has seen great strife. A normal man needs to fear the loss of his mind with such things. When you survive decades of that life though it leads to the mind being unable to cope."

He puffs at his pipe before taking a deep breath and continuing. "You know that my age is far greater than I appear. Decades have come and gone with little more sign upon me than as if I were carved of granite. My mind though feels those years as my body can not. There are weeks where I feel the sadness of ages as I realize all those of my childhood have long since passed to the next world. Comrades who began their studies with me as their instructor now bounce their grandchildren upon their knees. Then there are the days where I feel as young as if those years had never passed.

You fear you will fade in his eyes. That his desire for you will fade as you fear your beauty will fade. This is not something I can promise you will never happen but do not think his heart will follow the lead of his body my dear."

Wil drinks the rest of scotch in a single gulp and pours another. "Nor should you feel jealousy for that which has not happened. Nor envious of the future. You have him now and his heart is clearly yours. Think you that even should you pass from this world that he would not compare every woman to the first who held his heart?"

She gives a sad little smile.

"I know all of this. Logically....but the heart tends to feel what it wants to feel. He moved on from Alicia, I am living breathing proof of that. And although....I know he was very young when that happened, its not impossible that he would move on from me. None of that compares to the thought that he might actually one day go mad from the result of everyone he knows passing on. I want to bear that burden with him, not be part of the problem."

She takes a deep breath. "He's also mentioned...not having a soul. If I die, and this is true, I very well might never see him again. And that terrifies me beyond anything else."

My dear, the problem is not just everyone he knows passing. It is also the number of people he has sent on himself as well. That takes a heavy toll on any man. Nor do I think he is without a soul, if he were he would not feel the burden he bears nor would he fear the insanity that may be his fate." Wilhelm smiles and gives her a wink as he takes a drink.

"For now let us agree to revisit this when Perfection is possible my dear. Until then do what you must to keep him happy and safe." Wil finishes the rest of the drink and stands slowly. "I must depart I'm afraid. Till next I visit!"

She nods solemnly, not quite sure what she was feeling. She gives Wilhelm a little wave before heading back to her room and crawling into bed.

She fell asleep before Felix came home and half woke up when he kissed her on the forehead and got into bed next to her. She traced over his scars and not for the first time sleepily pondered all of the big questions.

Does he have a soul? Does he only think it is gone? Can he get it back?

Can I help? Even if.....she shivered and he lifted her delicate chin with just his index finger so he could look her in the eyes.

"What's wrong? You didn't fall right back asleep like normal.."

"Just thinking. About us. Life. Nothing bad. Nothing to worry about." She gives him a reassuring smile and snuggles against his chest, deciding that one way or another, she would find a way to help him.

Find a soul? Exist without one? She didn't know quite yet. But she was smart. She had gotten out of numerous horrible situations and endured things that were quite horrific compared to what her upbringing had prepared her for. Resourceful and Loyal. She would figure it out.

*comes in coughing smoke billowing from her chest and shoulders steam escaping from the joints in her arms and wrists*

*looking up from his book* Why, hello there Sil, forgive me for saying so but it seems you might have well, not to be indelicate ...sprung a leak?


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