March 2014 Blog Posts (10)

A meeting of the minds

Wilhelm sighed as he moved a the knight into position on the chess board. He knew his gambit would not gain him more than three more moves but it was still better than his second opponent. It was only two more moves until he was in checkmate. The game between the opponents was still undecided. 

Times like this reminded him that, in nearly every field, the two men opposite him were his superior. Their minds moved in ways that could not fathom, even with nearly three decades of life…


Added by Wilhelm A. Heizeltroff on March 30, 2014 at 11:30pm — 6 Comments

Death's Keeper, Sgt. Mac...

     I suppose I could always start at the beginning, but nearly recent history is more palatable to the masses. Besides, a rather mediocre childhood and education all aside, life becomes more interesting after we start making our own choices. My first truly self-made decision to join the military and make something of myself started off much like anyone else's. I arrived at the Army recruiter's office, signed my 'Hancock' to paper, kissed the Queen's picture and took the shilling. I was…


Added by Sgt. Ian MacBrooke on March 30, 2014 at 9:37pm — No Comments

Death's Keeper, Sgt. Mac...

     I suppose I could always start at the beginning, but nearly recent history is more palatable to the masses. Besides, a rather mediocre childhood and education all aside, life becomes more interesting after we start making our own choices. My first truly self-made decision to join the military and make something of myself started off much like anyone else's. I arrived at the Army recruiter's office, signed my 'Hancock' to paper, kissed the Queen's picture and took the shilling. I was…


Added by Sgt. Ian MacBrooke on March 30, 2014 at 9:34pm — No Comments

New Oz Bio

After acquiring the Harrison Development Co. and Estate do to the unexpected death of the previous owner, Oswin continues to follow the advancement of science and innovation like his benefactor before him specializing in energy storage, manipulation, and extraction. Piloting the scout/destroyer ship Archimedes, he currently provides security services to the Airfleet Whimsy and also fulfills bounties for the Scotland Yard and other law establishments.

When not in the lab or the field,…


Added by Oswin Bernerd McGuinness on March 26, 2014 at 5:08pm — 1 Comment

Father and Son (Kolfife)

The lanky boy peered in on the women's side of the striped Bedouin tent as the circumference of a burning afternoon sun tapped the west mountains of the valley. Inside the shady tent, the smell of cumin and sweet Bedouin tea wafted about. The kid observed as his five mothers as they hurried about like cloaked phantoms, preparing for the guests to arrive. He watched as Basima chopped nana, her eyes, the only part of her that Kolfife had ever seen, concentrated on the slick kitchen knife. She… Continue

Added by Arabella Porter on March 25, 2014 at 4:18pm — 1 Comment


"I hate doing these political events," Felix said adjusting his suit coat. 

"You know our orginization is on the line," Sarah teased him while putting in her earrings.

"I just hate being her dog," adjusting his tie and cuff links.

"You never felt that way about Cynthia."

"Cynthia is different though," choking a little bit.

"Not really, both captains and command a certain amount of authority."

"Well one of the biggest differences is I'm…


Added by Alexander Baker on March 25, 2014 at 3:09pm — No Comments

Sunrise over Saudi Arabia

It was four am when I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep. my hammoc rocked back and forth as I pressed my feet against the rough wood of my room, glowing golden light from lantern on my desk and a pulsing green light as my belt hit full charge. I sighed and undid my hair from it's loose plat before replatting it and twisting it into a bun. I pinned it up and pulled on some brown trousers and my boots before changing my shirt. At 4:15, the ship's silence was disturbed by the sound of music… Continue

Added by Arabella Porter on March 23, 2014 at 6:23pm — No Comments

I Just Wanted to See the Window Shatter

Our laughter echoed off the cobblestone and sifted itself through the foggy midnight air of London slums. The usual distant yells of domestic violence and popping gunfire of criminal activity was drowned out by the sound of quickly paced heart beats as we ran, my nose numbed by cold rain and lightly sprinkled drops running on strands of my hair, some of these strandsclinging to my neck. Leander stopped short and pulled me into him to stop me as well.

"No, come on!" I laughed, "my…


Added by Arabella Porter on March 23, 2014 at 5:30pm — No Comments


Felix and Valerius stood on the bridge of the A.A.S. Trinity. "Fire up the warp drive," Valerius barked at the officers n the bridge. A low hum filled the air. "So Amy what is with this new warp drive you created? Is that what is so important about this ship?" Felix inquired, as he leaned on the railing on the command deck of the bridge. "You'll see. Engage the stealth drive." The hum grew louder with her command. With a flash of light they were in a different airspace all…


Added by Alexander Baker on March 21, 2014 at 11:13am — No Comments

T minus 1 day and counting

My St. Baldrick's shaving event is tomorrow, 3/16/14 and as of this writing my team, Team Sage, has raised an astounding $3,880. of our $5000 goal. This is almost $1,500 more than the same time period last year, and puts us in a close third place on the Top Teams list.

Sincerest thanks to all those who have donated already, and for those of you who are still planning to donate, here is a little incentive.…


Added by Ezra Yesterday on March 15, 2014 at 11:04am — No Comments

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