Encased: Transmission from Dr. Cain Marko

*Click sound as the transmission begins.  Slight static noise, then a voice resounds through the space*

Good sirs and precious madams.  I am the man of many cures.  The scourge of plagues.  The destroyer of germs.  I am Dr. Cain Marko.  *Presents himself with a flourish of bows and stands erect at attention*  Many ask what manners a man of my caliber would be of use.  Let me show you.

*He removes his long, brown trench coat and places it on the table and pulls the sleeve of his left arm up.  He shows the mechanics of his prosthetic arm.  The twisting of the gears in the joints as he moves it and the compartments of various drugs and remedies.  He twists the wrist and the palm ejects a scalpel*  You see in a pinch I come quite stocked with ability to tend to care.  And yet, there is more.

*He pulls out his pistol*  This wonderful thing here has saved me a many times in skirmishes and battles aplenty.  *He takes aim and shoots a pine cone off a nearby tree.*  Deadly accurate and one of my best.

Now not just my physical equipment should be taken into account.  My intellect is quite abounded.  I've studied quite a pinch of time in the studies of Autonomy and many Medical doctorates.  I'm quite well known in Australia and around the world for knowing the way around a automaton's processor and computing units.

Now that I have provided my information, please feel free to call on me at any time.

*end transmission

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