Any one is welcome in the tea room weather you be the esteemed or the ruffian. So long as you don't break my tea sets. Saturday's are free tea day. Come in and relax.
I am Captain Silver Steamaether
As you can tell I am not your AVERAGE captain. I've had some.....Accidents over the years that caused me to be MAINLY comprised of brass. I am normally very forgiving (Maybe to a fault for a captain!) But~ I want you all to come in RESPECT ONE ANOTHER and have lots of fun~. You never know what may happen.
So, Tell me, what kind of tea you'd like and I'll try to deliver~
Have a drink. Relax.
Granted permission is! *smiles. she's sitting in front of Alex*
*cautiously comes through the door* Might you have a spot for a weary traveler?
Why thank you! *sits down at table sighing with relief* Earl grey with a hint of lemon as well, for me please. I am so very happy to have found this place, as I am between ships and in need of refreshment until I can figure out my next placement!
Enter the establishment with boisterous enthusiasm. " Hello one and all! I have cause for celebration! I have purchased my own Airship! With cash! No down payment, no payment plans, just cold hard gold... recently acquired from a brilliant pirate raid. Of which I may or my not have been involved... anyway! Drinks all around! The Tea is on me. I would have offered to purchase everyone spiced rum, but I have learned that does crazy things to me.
*Peering up from his book in the corner* Congratulations Capt'n. As far as the alcohol well*chuckling* anyways, I'm glad to hear of your new purchase, a toast to your success*raises his glas of tea*
Congratulations, Sir Eddie. I am glad to see you well!! You finally got that ship! I am quite glad to see that you've quit that spiced rum habit...those were some crazy times!
I am glad you found yourself a ship, finding the right one is the hardest thing to do*Chuckles* A round of tea on me in celebration.
Glad to hear it Sir Eddie! She sounds like a very solid ship. I should love to join you for a ride sometime!
*Sighs quietly cleaning some tea sets with a practiced, gentle hand her goggles perched a top her head humming a pirate's song.*
© 2025 Created by Alexander Baker.
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