A place for those who feel outcast or forgotten by the steampunk community or in life. Grab a chair, have a drink, and have a jolly good time with jolly good company. There are people in the world who suck and this is an escape.

The underground life isn't for all be we are out there.


My name is Alex ,the owner, and I'll be your bartender

Along with Ara, the other bartender


And Simon, the Demon King Monkey!

Welcome to the world of steampunk, and If you are new we will gladly help you with anything you need. And check us out for whiskey Wednesday's, where whiskey is free.



There is an underlying story and/or parts there of, that is followed from the Airship Alicia Grey and The Airship Battle Royale. It is not the main focus of the Gear, but It does happen from time to time. The events are scripted at first, but remember your input changes the script. 

This role-play bar, is a light hearted dose of fun. It has its serious moments but the Spirit of the Gear is about comradery, having some drinks, and experiencing everything and anything. The more veteran gear posters will help out the newer Gear Goers with any questions, or ideas.

The gear is designed to help develop your characters if you would like. Feel free to message T.R. Harrison, Arabella Porter, or myself, if you have any questions.







We have a skype room:

[Currently Under Renovation]

World's End(The underground of the RG)

DISCLAIMER: Chat is unfiltered and uncensored, join at your own risk and if you have an issue with it you do not have to participate. This is a back room off welcome. The rejected gear and all afiliated persons are not accountable for the skype chatroom.


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There's a warm breeze that bursts through the door of the rejected gear and spins inside. A drumroll of thunder and a crack of lightening....two giant crates appear in the center of the Gear. Inside the one to the right, there's a hellaton of pomegranates with a boatload of tins filled with Arabian Coffee. in Ara's handwriting, there's a note on the inside.

                   when making Arabian coffee, you put one teaspoon in the mug and then add the hot water like with instant coffee. but Arabian coffee is not instant. Wait five minutes for the crushed beans to sink before drinking. don't drink the whole thing because the excess beans congregate at the bottom of the mug and then your last sip will be a mouthful of coffee beans. Enjoy.

In the second crate, there's fifty packs of hookah coals and tobacco tins with Arabic writing on the front.

             this flavor is lemon mint and doesn't taste like other negilah (hookah) flavors. it stands out and is the most delicious smoke I've ever had the pleasure of inhaling. enjoy it. I'll be visiting for Christmas.


*Brielle walks into the bar and spots the two crates. She looks with a puzzled expression on her face, hoping for good news and not bad news. Upon inspecting the outside and not finding any clues as to who its from, she calls Simon over to help her crack them open. After reading the first note and realizing its from Ara, Brielle cracks a large smile, especially upon discovering the coffee*

Oh thank goodness...we haven't had good coffee around here in ages!

*she picks up a tin and prepares the coffee according to the directions, and then sips, sighing blissfully, reading the second note*

Christmas, huh? Sounds like we will be needing to have a party.....

*Brielle wistfully smiles and slowly walks back towards her and Felix's bedroom. As she stands by the door, she wistfully looks down the hall, wondering when he would finally be back. She had learn to manage quite well on her own for the first time in her life, but things still got quite lonely without him. She gently pushed open the door and fell into a restless sleep in the far too big for one tiny girl bed*

Felix entered the Gear, a now almost unfamiliar place. He inspected the place and saw Simon relaxing in the rafters, "Glad to see you bud." He took his coat off and searched under the counter for any letters.

*Brielle walks in from outside and spots Felix, pausing for a moment in surprise* Felix...?

"Yes?" while flipping through letters, "So how was your night in jail?"

*Her jaw drops and her face flushes  bright red, she pauses trying to find words* Nice to see you too....and how in the world did you find out about that??? Wil said he would make sure those records got erased....*her brow furrows in concern* Besides....its not my fault that Ara took me to a party that was on property that did not belong to the party throwers...

"I have some good friends. And the records were erased" nonchalantly pouring his whiskey, "I'm glad to read that no trouble broke out around here, and more importantly glad to see you safe."

*she rolls her eyes and walks up, poking him in the chest with her fan* I can manage quite nicely on my own, thankyouverymuch!

Takes her fan, "Mhm, I'm sure." He limps over to start a fire in the fireplace. 

*She pouts and follows him over, as she walks behind him she notices the limp* So....you want to tell me whats going on with your leg, Felix? That limp didn't exist before this deployment....

"Just a few bugs in the tech." He lifted his leg and the foot hung limp. "It was ruined on the last ship I helped take down."


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