A place for those who feel outcast or forgotten by the steampunk community or in life. Grab a chair, have a drink, and have a jolly good time with jolly good company. There are people in the world who suck and this is an escape.
The underground life isn't for all be we are out there.
My name is Alex ,the owner, and I'll be your bartender
Along with Ara, the other bartender
And Simon, the Demon King Monkey!
Welcome to the world of steampunk, and If you are new we will gladly help you with anything you need. And check us out for whiskey Wednesday's, where whiskey is free.
There is an underlying story and/or parts there of, that is followed from the Airship Alicia Grey and The Airship Battle Royale. It is not the main focus of the Gear, but It does happen from time to time. The events are scripted at first, but remember your input changes the script.
This role-play bar, is a light hearted dose of fun. It has its serious moments but the Spirit of the Gear is about comradery, having some drinks, and experiencing everything and anything. The more veteran gear posters will help out the newer Gear Goers with any questions, or ideas.
The gear is designed to help develop your characters if you would like. Feel free to message T.R. Harrison, Arabella Porter, or myself, if you have any questions.
We have a skype room:
[Currently Under Renovation]
World's End(The underground of the RG)
DISCLAIMER: Chat is unfiltered and uncensored, join at your own risk and if you have an issue with it you do not have to participate. This is a back room off welcome. The rejected gear and all afiliated persons are not accountable for the skype chatroom.
*Val sits at the bar, alone with his thoughts, nursing a bottle of some off-brand alcohol, muttering something to himself, absent-mindedly twirling his blade*
Steel walked into the bar, rolling his neck as he approached Valarian, "What is the matter with you
*looks up, slightly startled* oh...oh nothing. Just some...thoughts I've been having *looks at Steel* On my way in, I intervened in one burglary, two muggings, and ended a shootout. I just feel like no matter how much good I do, it won't be enough.
"Valarian," Steel said as he let out a sigh, "Good and Evil, the do not matter. What matters is selflessness, and selfishness. Are you doing everything you can for yourself, or other people?"
*muses* I'm not entirely sure. I feel as though i still need redemption, although I have no idea for what...*sighs and looks at Steel* What could I have done that merits 270 years of redemption...?
"We lived," Steel said as he shook his head. His tone was a bit different, not the monotone his gears usually produced. There was a bit of... depression in his voice.
*nods* Yes...Although I'm not sure I wouldn't have preferred door number two some days *looks off into the distance*
"Door number two?" Steel et out a chuckle, "if there is anything I've learned by now, it is that there is no door number two."
"Power is fleeting," Steel said, "energy allways changes hands, that is a universal law. Yes, that sword alone can kill anything but the two, but what about ten of those swords."
"Let me examine your wings," Steel said as he turned, "I might have enough knowledge of clockwork to reproduce them."
© 2025 Created by Alexander Baker.
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