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S&W Schofield Revolver

There was a saying and song about a Colt revolver being fast enough to get you into trouble but the Smith&Wesson was fast enough to get you out of trouble. 

      There is a CO2 powered BB firing replica of the Model 3 Schofield.  I have one.

      It can be found at Walmart cheaper than online.  But extra "shells" and other accessories have to be purchased elsewhere.

I just needed to find something to spend more money on.  ;-)  Our Walmart even closed here.

      Your Walmart closed?  Horrible!  This does not bode well for American capitalism!   Heh.

      But anyway, it's a really nice replica gun.  The only problem is the same one that all BB, and airsoft replica guns share.  Plastic grips.  I'm certain that someone with the proper woodworking skills could make something more authentic, but no one seems to be doing so.  Sad, really.

Since they borrowed a picture of mine I should at least share their link.  ;-) 

The above picture shows some of the Colt .36 calibre cap&ball revolvers.  These are strong and straight shooters since you have a very long site picture (the rear site is on the top of the cocked hammer) and you are siting right down the bullet.

One of the main Colt competitors during the ACW was Remington.  The 1858 was not quite as strong as the contemporary Colt revolvers which featured a substantial hardened cylinder post rather than the relatively thin cast metal Remington full frame.  Most loading instructions call for maximum charges of 2 grains less than a Colt Army in the same .44 calibre. 

Remington was offered to the Army much cheaper though and many soldiers liked the feel too.  Clint Eastwood made the reloading advantage famous.

The historical problem was that Remington does not seem to have sold separate cylinders.  Later, this feature made it simple and cheap to convert old C&B revolvers to closed cartridges. 

1858 History

There was and is a carbine version but its popularity was short since it only held 6 rounds compared to the 10+ in most Winchesters and the black powder nipples spit right into your eye.  This was a problem with the detachable stocks on other C&B revolvers too but these stocks roughly converted your accurate range from feet to yards. 

LeMat Revolver

These cap&ball revolvers were a product of French cottage craftsmen so they usually varied from .41 to .45 calibre and about a 16 gauge shotgun in the center.  So an impressive 9 revolver rounds and a 10th shotgun round for close quarters.  Despite the exacting milling requirements these varied in style.  Many were sold to the Confederacy during the ACW.  Eventually closed cartridge (pin fire) versions were produced.

The LeMat reproductions are some of the best made black powder revolvers if a little dear.  There is at least one metal non-firing reproduction manufactured which has become very popular in SP.

Related image" alt="Image result for apache revolver gif"/>

Apache Knuckle Duster

      There were also "squeeze pistols".  The best known is probably this one:

      There are others, such as :

Sharps Rifle information link

Christian Sharps got his start in the gun making business by working at the Harpers Ferry Arsenal. The first Sharps firearm was patented in 1848, and by 1850, the first models of Sharps Sporting Rifles were being made in Mill Creek, Pennsylvania by the firm of A. S. Nippes. In 1851, a new breechloader was being made in Windsor, Vermont by the firm of Robbins & Lawrence. Rifle production continued in Vermont while a new Sharps Rifle Manufacturing Company was formed in Hartford, Connecticut. In 1855, manufacturing was moved to Hartford and continued until 1876. Operations were then moved to Bridgeport, Connecticut until 1880. Although the Sharps Rifle Manufacturing Company bore his name, Christian Sharps was not the principal owner. In 1854 he began his own C. Sharps & Company to make his own handguns. He formed a partnership with William Hankins in 1862. Sharps & Hankins manufactured four-barrel pepperboxes and single-shot breech loading rifles and carbines. That partnership ended in 1866. Christain C. Sharps & Company ceased operations with Sharps' death in 1874.

Tom Selek had the privilege of co-starring with a customized Sharps in Quigley Down Under.

Image result for sharps derringerImage result for sharps derringer

One of our local CA shooters just showed up with one of these little gems.  A widow found it in the rafters of her house along with a couple early 20th century revolvers.   She hates guns and her late husband apparently hid a few just in case.  She gave this fellow this little 4-shot derringer, which was just parts in a bag, in exchange for selling the other guns for her. 

These were sold in very large numbers by the same company famous for making the intimidating Sharps rifle/carbine.  It has a clever little firing pin that rotates to a different quarter each time you cock the hammer back.  You need a stick to push the spent .22 shorts out but that was not uncommon for early revolvers. 

Image result for sharps derringer

patented in 1849 and produced in 1859.  This is a nice little YouTube video:  (You're going to want one of these. ;-))

Image result for sharps derringerImage result for sharps derringer

      I've always liked the Sharps 4 barrel pocket pistols.  There's another historical article about the pistols, and Christian Sharps here .

      I don't have one, but I do have the replica State of Mississippi $20 bill that appears in one of the above pictures.  Heh.


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