Captain Lachlan Bellraven's Blog – April 2013 Archive (6)

The Cost of Doing Business part 7

   I'm really not sure what happened next , it became a bloodbath, the creatures mindless flailing and clawed fingers versus bullets and blades, while mindlessly viscious, the effectivemess of their attacks were somewhat hindered by th fact that once the fight began the seemed just as happy to rend each other as us. To make matters worse, for every one that fell the stench inceased, I heard a scream from behind me and watched as Brown, one of my best combat boarders was literally washed over…


Added by Captain Lachlan Bellraven on April 8, 2013 at 1:22pm — No Comments

The Cost of Doing Business part 6

   "Captain," Mr. Steelcastle whispered to me "This place is unholy, full of evil ! " Holding the crucifix and voodoo doll that he kept together on a necklace, he spoke again"Captain I know I owe you but ,please..not in there." This took me aback, Miriam Steelcastle, the only man I ever saw get shot and then walk over to the guy who shot him take away his gun and shoot him with it, that same man is now begging me not to go somewhere. I can't say as I blamed him a bit truth , I didn't want to…


Added by Captain Lachlan Bellraven on April 4, 2013 at 4:21pm — No Comments

The Cost of Doing Business part 5

     As I thought to myself this cant get any better, my mechanic Rollie comes racing into the bridge"Sir" she struggled to speak as she caught her breath, " We gots trouble in the engines, I dont ...know how but the batteries are completly drained and we have somehow managed to bend the main drive shaft . Its gonna take at least a day to get it reshaped true." 

     I shot the old man a dissbelieving and hate filled look "I dont know how you did it, I dont even care " Turning back to…


Added by Captain Lachlan Bellraven on April 3, 2013 at 1:15pm — No Comments

Cost of Doing Business part 4

    "Someone to meet?! " I mocked, "You actually want me to make landfall anywhere near that place?!"

"It is in your best intrests captain, we did have a bargain..."

"Yeah," I replied" But that was when I thought you were a harmless crazy old man."

"Insanity, is all about perspective." There was something in the way he said that , the tone of his voice and the haze in his eyes that made me want to throw him overboard to his precious whatever out there. "I require you to…


Added by Captain Lachlan Bellraven on April 2, 2013 at 11:42am — No Comments

The Cost of Doing Business part 3

    "Report!" I screamed as I entered the bridge. "Sir, it just , just appeared" and as we looked out the windows the clouds seemed to vanish as quickly as they had come on us,there before us was , well to be sure I still dont know but it seemed to be some sort of giant spire or tower. The air was now calming and an erie sick green glow could be seem coming off the massive statues carved all over the object. It was like it was carved on such a giant scale to show the story the carvings…


Added by Captain Lachlan Bellraven on April 1, 2013 at 5:13pm — No Comments

The Cost of Doing Business :part 2

    Day four : ...My crew are growing even more restless and the disease seems to be spreading, four more seem to have taken ill and my medic can find no cause. No sign of strange insect bite, no contaminated food stores, is it the very place itself we are in now ? The air in this part of the jungle seems heavier somehow and it dosen't help that the crazy...(yes I am now confident he is crazy) professor just keeps mumbling to himself about some ancient something or other. I have…


Added by Captain Lachlan Bellraven on April 1, 2013 at 10:07am — No Comments

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