Year: 1903
Location: Southern Beaches of Spain, near Cartagena
Dates: July 21-24
After half a day of sailing the skies and Brielle sleeping through most of it. He woke her up from and told her to prepare for landing. She just laid there…
ContinueAdded by Alexander Baker on July 25, 2013 at 2:30am — No Comments
I've lost so much
and gained so little
all for that caring touch
for a heart that is now so brittle
Fate's hand
has struck me
by land
and by sea
Maybe it was meant to be
Maybe it was not
Why couldn't you love me?
Why'd you treat me like snot?
In my chest
an empty void
a place with no rest
Maybe I'm Just a Droid?
Added by Alexander Baker on July 25, 2013 at 12:30am — No Comments
He panted, willing his already-sore legs to keep running. He knew he shouldn’t have taken this chance, but the prize was too good to pass up, and now here he was, running from the authorities. Again.
The shouting of the police reached his ears. The darkness hid his form but the item he stole clanked from his clumsiness within it, for he donned the experimental powered armor-suit of the Theocratic State of Umbra.
He tapped into his power and willed his energy through the suit,…
ContinueAdded by Phillip Craym on July 18, 2013 at 1:30am — 1 Comment
Added by Alexander Baker on July 18, 2013 at 1:00am — No Comments
Year: 1903
Location: Adolphus's Dock, London.
Date: July 16
Felix and Brielle arrived at the grey after a ten minute cab ride. She followed him down the pier to what looked like a sailing ship. He pulled out a remote as the bridge…
ContinueAdded by Alexander Baker on July 16, 2013 at 2:37am — No Comments
“Nate!” Jacob quickly snapped at his brother before he was seen by the two they were following. “Are you trying to make it so we are caught?”
Nate looked back at his brother and smiled a toothy grin. “You know I don’t like doing this sneaking prattle you like to do. I’d rather just handle this up front. Really now, sneaking around like a common thief.”
“Is that what you think I am brother? A common thief?” Jacob moved closer to his brother and…
Added by Cain Marko on July 12, 2013 at 7:59am — No Comments
One months later...
The small ship we were on slowly landed on the dock. Bloody dinghy. I’m tired of searching for a damn ship. The fact I had to sneak off my ex-wife's ship in a life raft sickens me to no end. Just glad Artie disabled the tracker before we took it. If my wife had found out we had taken one of her ships, even if it’s a shitty little lifeboat like this, she would’ve flayed me alive. I’m glad I have Artie as a friend and as a mechanic. I do feel sorry how I have…
ContinueAdded by Cain Marko on July 10, 2013 at 1:38am — No Comments
The only time I went in to White Chapel during my pressgang was once when the Captain ad crew wasn’t there to stop me and I had to. Of course, I hadn’t any time to say hello to anyone which was my intention for going there but I guess that’s what you get for dragging a copper behind you.
That was my first interaction with Thomas Dunning. He had been at the parliament building to discuss certain legal matters about the opium sky trades between London and China the day that I…
ContinueAdded by Arabella Porter on July 9, 2013 at 11:43am — No Comments
Here's the link from our almighty ruler's blog post about the rules of appropriate steampunk garb:
I think that, as always, G.D. says it best. We shouldn't judge or malign someone because they don't fit in with our own particular view of our culture. A person can wear what ever color they so desire and mix and match…
ContinueAdded by Eden A. Burnes on July 4, 2013 at 5:49pm — No Comments
Upon walking into the bar after finding myself work at a medic outsourcing center, I laid eyes upon someone from my past. I was terrified-I knew my parents would send someone to find me, but I didn’t guess how fast. Sizing him up and writing a note to Felix should I be abducted, I talked to the man, Sir Fergus Flynn Esquire, and soon found out that not only was he not here to abduct me, but running away from political intrigue back from home. We chatted for awhile, and I met the other…
ContinueAdded by Lady Brielle Serra on July 3, 2013 at 5:27pm — No Comments
I left the ship at a middle size airport, dragging my suitcase along, hoping to by chance find someone who needed a medic. I don’t particularly look the part, everything about the way I’m dressed screams “highborn lady who hasn’t worked a day in her life”, because I haven’t had the chance to get clothes befitting the active lifestyle inherent of airships. I first meandered into a teashop with an automaton/human hybrid who was ever so sweet and made sure I got a nice, quiet moment to myself.…
ContinueAdded by Lady Brielle Serra on July 3, 2013 at 5:00pm — No Comments
Upon graduating from University, I needed to make a plan fast…the wedding was scheduled for one week from graduation! I spent three days carefully planning, gathering what I needed-two corsets, A few dresses, blouses, skirts and under things for clothes, my boots, my medic kit, some money and a few personal articles. Two nights before the wedding, I slipped out in the middle of the night to find the nearest airport. I took my steam powered bike, really more of a scooter, so it technically…
ContinueAdded by Lady Brielle Serra on June 29, 2013 at 10:00pm — No Comments
Hello! My name is Lady Brielle, although according to my parents I should drop the Lady from that. I don’t think it’s my fault that they had unreasonable expectations of what my life should look like! They had been unreasonably restrictive since I was of a young age-Ladies do this and Ladies do that, and Ladies most certainly do NOT do that! I’m actually quite decent at most of the trappings of being a lady, but the fact is that I’ve always wanted MORE than getting married and having babies.…
ContinueAdded by Lady Brielle Serra on June 29, 2013 at 1:22pm — 1 Comment
I used to hate taking hostages. It felt so cruel and in the very early days, I thought I could relate to them at the time, being forced into service and all. I had no idea how different it was until I started being behind bars myself on occasion.
“Hostages are profit,” The captain used to say and when they were from air patrol, it was always, “This is what they signed up for,” and then the crew would laugh.
After a few years, I found keeping captives very enjoyable.…
ContinueAdded by Arabella Porter on June 28, 2013 at 1:30am — No Comments
There’s no better feeling than when you see a good ship, take it by force, and then come to find a whole cargo deck of wine from Bourgogne and champagne from Champagne. Well, there are better feelings but at the time, there was no better word for fun and profit. Dominique translated for the Captain and I sat by to make sure that she wasn’t twisting Captain’s words (it’s happened before apparently. I’ve never witnessed it though.) Either way, we made a night out of it. The only one,…
ContinueAdded by Arabella Porter on June 24, 2013 at 10:16pm — No Comments
Year: 1900
Location: Southern Coast of Spain
Date: June 23
Felix sat surrounded in red light. The flashing red lights indicated launch was imminent. He felt the jerk of lift as the ship started to moaned and groaned to the shift metal. He tucked the…
ContinueAdded by Alexander Baker on May 28, 2013 at 12:29am — No Comments
We rule the skies
The skulls and crossbones of the air
The twinkle of fear in your eyes
We, authority’s demise
Those who dare
We rule the skies
Why should we apologize?
We’re sorry we don’t care
We rule the…
ContinueAdded by Arabella Porter on May 11, 2013 at 10:37pm — 1 Comment
Some of us, if not all, have at least heard about the new craze running rampant through our community: Rococo Punk. But what is it exactly?
Rococo Punk is classified as a punk out take on the Renaissance era, primarily in the high-class French community of the time. Or, as one blog put it, "Less Steampunk, more cake." They find outlandish make up and hairstyles and recreate them to add to effect. They take bolder chances with their outfits. But what remains of Steampunk in…
ContinueAdded by Eden A. Burnes on April 20, 2013 at 6:17pm — No Comments
Leggo Piece, oh Leggo piece
How your sharp, plastic edges dig into my flesh
worse than being burned…
ContinueAdded by Arabella Porter on April 12, 2013 at 12:59am — 1 Comment
I'm really not sure what happened next , it became a bloodbath, the creatures mindless flailing and clawed fingers versus bullets and blades, while mindlessly viscious, the effectivemess of their attacks were somewhat hindered by th fact that once the fight began the seemed just as happy to rend each other as us. To make matters worse, for every one that fell the stench inceased, I heard a scream from behind me and watched as Brown, one of my best combat boarders was literally washed over…
ContinueAdded by Captain Lachlan Bellraven on April 8, 2013 at 1:22pm — No Comments
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